This treatment regimen consists of a fivefold procedure meant to eliminate the vitiated doshas from the body. They are Vamana (Emesis), Virechana (Purgation), Niroohavasti (Decoction Enema), Anuvasanavasti (Oil Enema) and Nasya (Instillation of medicine through nostrils). These procedures effectively purges the body of toxic materials left by disorders, poor nutrition and environmental changes. Repeated diseases affect individuals because of one’s repeated dietary indiscretions, poor exercise patterns, sedentary lifestyles and genetic predisposition. The waste matter called ama in Ayurveda is evacuated from the body through Panchakarma.

Prior to commencing Panchakarma, every individual should be prepared by internal as well as external lubrication and sudation therapy. Later on, depending on the dosha involved, any one of following Panchakarma treatments is given.

Preparatory Procedures


Snehapanam (Lubrication)

Snehapana is an important procedure before sodhana therapy. The idea behind the use of snehapana is to bring the vitiated dosas to a suitable state so that they can be expelled out easily. The treatment includes the oral intake Of Medicated Ghee / Oil for prescribed time without mixing with food articles.


Swedanam (Sudation)

Swedana is done to liquefy the vitiated dosas which are spread throughout the body. Swedana relieves Stiffness, Heaviness and Coldness of the body.



Vamanam (Emesis therapy)

In Emesis Therapy, vomitting is induced by oral administration of medicaments. Done early morning, especially for vitiated Kapha, Vamanam is effective in Bronchial Asthma, Psoriasis, Schizophrenia, Drug Addiction, Allergic Conditions, Epilepsy, PCOS, etc.


Virechanam (Purgation thearpy)

Most commonly employed Sodhana Therapy is Virechana. In this process, elimination of vitiated ‘pittadi dosha’ is done through administration of therapeutic purgatives in pittakala. It has got a lot of therapeutic benefits in disorders of GI Tract, Musculoskeletal Spectrum, Neurological disorders, etc.


Nasyam (Nasal Medication)

The administration of medicaments via nasal route is called as Nasya. Mostly indicated in diseases of Head and Neck, Psychiatric Disorders, Cervical Spondylosis, some Gynaecological diseases, etc.


Anuvasana Vasthi (Oil Enema)

Here Medicated Oil / Ghee is injected through the rectal opening. Effective in Disorders of Musculoskeletal System, Nervous System, GI disorders, etc.


Nirooha Vasthi / Asthapana Vasthi (Decoction Enema)

A type of elimination therapy in which various medicaments like Honey, Rock Salt, Ghee / Oil, Medicated Paste and Decoction are mixed thoroughly before being administered through rectal opening using a specially designed instrument. Effective in disorders of musculoskeletal system such as Lumbar Spondylosis, Sciatica, other Arthropathies, disorders of GI System, Neurological disorders, etc.